Serving Hours

Breakfast: 7:00 am to 7:35 am
Lunch: 11:00 am ­‐ 1:00 pm

Meal Menus


  • All adult lunches must be pre­‐ordered or called in before 9:00 am on a daily basis.
  • All meals are to be consumed on campus.
  • Meals or leftovers are NOT to be taken home for consumption.

The Annual Income Eligibility Parent Survey (AIEPS) replaces the Free and Reduced Price School Meals Family Applications, which is sent home on the first day of school with each student or may be picked up at our administration office. Please submit ONE survey per household. ALL STUDENTS ARE GIVEN ONE FREE BREAKFAST AND LUNCH PER DAY for this school year through the Community Eligibility Program (CEP). Eligibility Status remains the same as the previous school year for the first 30 days of the new school year. If the school does not receive a new AIEPS Form, your child will be changed to regular paying status for meals and the bus effective on the 31st day of the new school year.

School Meal Prices as of August 1, 2023:

  • Adult Breakfast = $4
  • Adult Lunch = $5
  • Adult Salad = $6

Our school meals program is based on an automated debit system. Advanced payments for the cost of breakfast and lunch are required for all meals. No loans will be given for school meals. Meal account “low­‐balance” statements will be sent home at least once a week or a courtesy phone call will be made to the parent or guardian of the student.

Purchase meals at

* Prices are subject to change.
** No loans will be given for meals.