Students are responsible for the textbooks, library books and other school supplies, such as calculators and templates that they use and borrow. Proper care should be used at all times. Students will be charged a fine or replacement cost for lost or damaged books and supplies.
Personal items of significant value should not be brought to school. The school will not be responsible for recovering lost or stolen items that should not have been brought to school. Personal items may be brought to school if a student’s teacher allows him/her to do so for instructional purposes.
The school provides laptops, tables, and other devices for children to access during school instruction. It is not mandatory for students to bring a device. However, the school does allow students to bring their own technology devices (laptops, netbooks, smart phones, eReaders, iPads, etc.) to use at specified times during the school day, as directed or allowed by the teacher or administrator.
The school expects students not to be accessing inappropriate material; however, it is not possible to absolutely prevent such access. It will be each student’s responsibility to follow the rules for appropriate and responsible use. Parents who allow their children to have personal technology must hold their children responsible for appropriate and safe usage. Administrators and faculty may review messages and content to maintain system integrity and ensure that users are acting responsibly, especially during the school day and during school activities. Students who bring personal technology to school do so at their own risk. If the personal technology is lost, stolen, broken, or misplaced, the school will not be responsible for any replacement. Like any other personal item of value, bringing these items is at your own risk.