“Caught Being Good” (CBG) awards students with coupons for good behavior.  These can be turned in to redeem for various awards and prizes.

95% Attendance­ Goal

Our goal is for all students to come to school 95% (or more) of the school days. 95% students receive (CBGs) at the end of the quarter.  95% Homerooms also receive a prize at the end of the quarter.

Other Incentives

Incentives can also be earned as determined by the child’s teacher or the curriculum coordinator.


Homework and Parent Involvement (HAPI)

The Board of Education states that it is the students’ responsibility to be prepared for and participate in each class by completing class work and homework accurately and on time. It is up to parents to ensure that their child’s homework is completed and all materials returned to school in a timely manner. Homework help or tutorial assistance at school does not replace parental involvement.

The HAPI program was created to support student achievement. Parent involvement and monitoring of homework assignments are key factors in school success. Inconsistent completion of assignments and lack of parent participation may contribute to delays in the learning process.

  • After three (3) missed, unsigned, or incomplete homework assignments, a written notice will be sent home.
  • On the fifth (5) missed, unsigned, or incomplete homework assignment, a parent conference will be scheduled.

Learning Resources

For your convenience, the school has organized several learning resources to assist you on your academic journey.



As the “ohana” I will do my best to: